Thursday, July 21, 2011

ACTRFS Shave For A Cure Team in The Weekend Australian Newspaper!!

It is not often that we put up a post with only one picture!!!  But this one picture tells a thousand words so to speak......or should we say, reflects the $22,927 we raised!!!  Not only we were the HIGHEST fundraiser in the ACT, the 8th largest fundraising team in NSW but we were the 30th highest fundraiser throughout the nation!!! 

Great effort to all and hope we can blitz our effort next year!!

ESA Leadership Weekend

Last weekend the ACT Rural Fire Service organised an Emergency Services Agency Leadership weekend.  Members of the ACTRFS HQ, ACTRFS volunteers, SES volunteers and the Community Fire Unit volunteers all got together at the Quality Hotel in Woden for the Leadership Weekend.

Everyone learnt about self development and their own leadership attributes and ways it can assist with their life as part of the ACTESA.  Commissioner Mark Crosweller gave a talk on the Saturday morning for the participants that demonstrated their value as part of the larger organisation.

Commissioner Mark Crosweller addresses the leadership group and shares his experiences with them about personal development and growth.
ACTRFS Chief Officer Andrew Stark and Phil Langdon from Leadership Matters have a chat about the weekend.

Participants with their team poster and name for the weekend.

Team Travelling Shags explaining the true meaning of their poster.

Eamon (RFS) & Diane (CFU) sharing a lighter moment

Anthony (RFS) deep in thought prior to the message in a bottle exercise. 

Gordon and Doreen (SES) helping each other out. 

Eamon (RFS) is........who know's but it looks odd!

One team, one goal.

All the attendees from the leadership weekend.

Team dinner on Saturday night at the Noble Palace.  ACTRFS Chief Officer also in attendance.

Table 2 at the team dinner.