Wednesday, October 31, 2012

ACT Government acknowledges long service our our members.

Last month Minister For Police and Emergency Services handed out ACT ESA National Medal. 

Memebers from all four units of the ESA were presented with their medals at a ceremony at the Natinoal Portrait Gallery last month.  A combined total of 800 years of emergency service was recognised at the Ceremony. 

Congratulations to our ACTRFS members!

The Rural Fire Service recipients were:
  • Lee Carmody, National Medal
  • Michelle Michie, National Medal
  • Rohan Scott, National Medal
  • Lukas Tan, National Medal
  • Robert Gore, 1st Clasp
  • Peter Ipkendanz, 1st Clasp
  • Robert Mack, National Medal
  • Karen Mensforth, National Medal
  • Bryan Cunynghame, 1st Clasp

Thursday, October 4, 2012

RFS Volunteers Receive Gas Hotprops Training

ACT Rural Fire Service volunteer firefighters were put through their paces at the ESA Training Facility at Hume on Saturday 29 Sep 2012. They learned techniques on how to approach and suppress gas and fuel fires. This training was in addition to normal regular training which is undertaken all year round at each Brigade.

Brigade members are now even better prepared for the upcoming bushfire season which commences from 1 October 2012!