Thursday, April 7, 2011

ESA Leadership Training Coming Up Again!

Back in November last year, members of the ACTRFS & SES attended a leadership program provided by Alivve.  As Commissioner Mark Crosweller said, "We want to ensure that when people are having a bad day and ring 000 for our assistance, we will have the confidence and capability to respond promptly and effectively to their emergency situation."  The program focused on maximising the potential of the individual, the team and the organisation.  Subjects covered during the 3 day program included; limiting beliefs, leadership philosophies, leadership dilemmas, managers as coaches, emotional & social intelligences and problem solving & decision making.

The ESA Group of participants on the first evening with Commissioner Mark Crosweller

The group split up into four teams and came up with posters to identify each team members interests.

The team exercise of message in a bottle proved how close the group became over the weekend.

Tony, Amy & Michael from ACTRFS HQ waiting patiently.

The elusive bottle that needs to be recovered.

The dream team that conquered the message in a bottle task in the correct time frame.

The groups doing there problem solving exercise.


  1. This blog is important for provide leader ship training and related images are nice.Leadership Training

  2. Some people think that leadership training programs and many other development programs are mere excuses to take time off from what people are supposed to be doing - although they are not.

  3. Will there be another leadership training this year?

    Mike @ Presentation Skills Training
